Rear Crankshaft Oil Seal Cummins 4BT 6BT 12v 24v
3925529 Crankshaft Oil Seal 392 552 9 Cr

New Rear Crankshaft Oil Seal Cummins 4BT 6BT.

Fits 12v and some 24v.


Scroll down for more detailed compatibility information.

Part Number: 3925529 4947667 3934486 3934486 3909410 4089342 3925529 3933262 3353978 3921265 3904087

Weight: 0.1 lbs.

Price: $8.00
Short Product Description:

3925529 Crankshaft Oil Seal

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Questions and Answers:

Q: What is maximum oil seal wear groove on Cummins B series engines? 9/18/2024
A: The Cummins Repair Manual says that the maximum groove depth is .25mm. Sleeves are available for a crankshaft that is worn more than that.

Q: What is the spec for the crankshaft rear oil seal flange OD on Cummins B series engines and C series engines?
A: The Cummins Repair Manual says that the crankshaft rear oil seal flange OD Min should be 129.975mm and the MAX should be 130.025mm.

Q: What is the spec for the crankshaft rear oil seal flange groove on Cummins B series engines and C series engines?
A: The Cummins Repair Manual says that the crankshaft rear oil seal flange groove should be .25mm MAX. Remember that a wear sleeve can be installed to refresh the flange. The flange groove can also be chromed.

Q: What is the torque spec for the crankshaft rear cover cap screws for Cummins B series engines and C series engines?
A: The Cummins Repair Manual says that the crankshaft rear oil seal cover cap screws should be torqued to 9NM.

3925529 Oil Seal Quantity: 1 Engine Year: 1997 4B3.9 CPL:767 Sample ESN: 21021339

3925529 Oil Seal Quantity: 1 Remarks: Ref No : 13 3928989 Engine Year: 1997 B5.9 (190) CPL:1551 Sample ESN: 46114812

3909410 Rear Crank Seal Service Kit Quantity: 1 Remarks: 3/4 - 16 UNF Engine Year: 1994 C8.3-210 CPL:1563 Sample ESN: 46114812

3925529 Oil Seal Quantity: 1 Engine Year: 1997 4B3.9 CPL:767 Sample ESN: 21021339

3925529 Oil Seal Quantity: 1 Remarks: Ref No : 13 3928989 Engine Year: 1997 B5.9 (190) CPL:1551 Sample ESN: 46114812

3933262 Oil Seal Quantity: 2 Remarks: M8 x 1.25 x 15 Engine Year: 2000 ISB-195-BUS ENCORE CPL:2686 Sample ESN: 45989218

3933262 Oil Seal Quantity: 1 Remarks: Serviced as 3934486. Engine Year: 2001 ISC 250 CPL:2237 Sample ESN: 46114812

3933262 Oil Seal Quantity: 1 Remarks: Serviced as 3934486. Engine Year: 1999 BT5.9-C160 CPL:1288 Sample ESN: 46114812

3933262 Oil Seal Quantity: 1 Remarks: Serviced as 3934486. Engine Year: 2009 ISL 400 CPL:3155 Sample ESN: 46114812

3921265 Oil Seal Quantity: 1 Remarks: M12 X 1.75 X 40. Engine Year: 1988 BT5.9 160 CPL:804 Sample ESN: 44243058

3921265 Oil Seal Quantity: 1 Remarks: Purchase 3928493 Engine Year: 1988 4BT3.9 (105) CPL:858 Sample ESN: 44258612

3921265 Oil Seal Quantity: 1 Remarks: M12 X 1.75 X 40. Engine Year: 1988 4B3.9 CPL:591 Sample ESN: 21021339

3921265 Oil Seal Quantity: 1 Remarks: M12 X 1.75 X 40. Engine Year: 1995 4BT3.9-C CPL:730 Sample ESN: 21021339

3921265 Oil Seal Quantity: 1 Remarks: M12 X 1.75 X 40. Engine Year: 1996 B5.9-C177 CPL:599 Sample ESN: 46114812

Description: 3925529 Crankshaft Oil Seal
Price: $8.00

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